How GoDotty Got Started

First I want to say a big thank you for visiting my website. I am always delighted when visitors show a keen interest in this beautiful meditative craft and the personal engagement of therapeutic art making, especially now with many mental health issues on the rise.
I would like to write about how GoDotty got started by me, in my own words, because the conception and time of launch is of great personal importance to me. Before it's 'official' launch in January 2020, I had toyed with the idea of mandala dot design but I was often told it wouldn't work. But I feel, no matter what anyone says, if we have a fire in our bellies and if what we do gets us out of bed in the morning, then it's definitely worth the time! And so here it is and against all odds, my beautiful business dedicated to the therapeutic craft of Mandala dot design. I am super proud of what its become and I would love you to join me in it's own little journey. GoDotty isn't me - it's us!
I was born and raised in Barnsley and attended its old art college many years ago. I have had the pleasure of working in LA, NY and London but decided to come back to Barnsley to raise my children. With over 25 years of professional graphic design experience, I have always had a huge interest in art therapy and have worked with special needs adults and children using art to help nurture and develop one's creative expression.
Not too long ago I came across a mandala stone and I was wowed by the beauty and vibrancy of the dots and the patterns they were creating. It was stunning. Little by little, I started creating my own designs and I was so impressed with how calm, happy and energised I felt. Such a powerful art using simple tools and paint on just about any surface - the list is endless.
Therapeutic art is a growing phenomenon with mental health problems affecting many of us, no matter what our age. Mandala dot design has been proven to provide meditative benefits to help eleviate depression and anxiety. Artists are often encouraged to participate in an tranquil, calm and soothing environment of focus, enjoyment and fulfilment when a beautiful piece of art is created by everyone involved.